Schedule Change ahead

Marla Pelletier • April 20, 2023

Yoga on a new day

Yoga for Healthy Aging and Joints:

This is a great class for those of us who wake up achy, or have changing ranges of motion due to aging. This class features yoga postures that are gentle and low impact. This can help athletes improve their recovery time, and aging people can release deeply held stiffness and ease joint-related pain.  Most poses are done on the ground and held for long periods of time. You will certainly feel a big shift in your flexibility after class. A mat, pillow, or yoga bolster, and a few blankets and straps are recommended supplies.

NEW TIME: Wednesday 5-5:50pm with Sandra

Recording available right after class through Tuesday evening.

Yoga for the Low Back

Yoga is an excellent practice for lower back discomfort, poor posture, relieving stress and for those who need a gentle entry back into exercise. Classes are alignment based helping you discover the healthiest movement patterns and re-setting old habits. Classes give you a well-round immersive experience of yoga that incorporate direct experience of deepening self awareness.

Recordings sent to every class enrollee & are available for the week between classes.


New time: Thursday 5:30-6:15pm with Jessica

Video from our founder, Marla, with all this info and more:

Try a 45 min yoga class with Julie. Her regular class is on Thursday at noon.

By Marla Pelletier December 12, 2024
Fill out the form below to have us enroll you in class
By Marla Pelletier December 11, 2024
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