Mindful Eating Workshop Series

Marla Pelletier • October 12, 2021

Sign up here: www.inwardoffice.com/workshops


Finger Lakes area school employees receive class for free.

Inquire with your wellness coordinator to get class for free.


October 22nd 4:00-4:45pm: Introduction to Mindful Eating

Learn about mindfulness and how we can use our habit of eating as a mindfulness exercise. Bring a few raisins to class for our exercise.

October 29th 4:00-4:30pm: Mindful Hunger

Take a close look at the experience of hunger, fullness and the cues our body gives us. Bring a snack to class for our exercise.

November 12th 4:00-4:45pm: The Mindful Eating mental game

Mindful Eating is a mental game. Cravings, emotional eating, why and how the mind may influence our eating habits. Bring any snack for our exercise.

November 19th 4:00-4:30pm: Sweet Relief

Curb the desire to eat more sweets with taste satisfaction and speed. Bring a dessert for the exercise.

December 3rd 4:00-4:45pm: Mindful Holiday Meals.

Eileen will share her tips for having mindfulness join the table at your holiday meals. Bring a hot beverage (tea, water).

December 8th 1:00-1:35pm: Mindful Eating for the Holidays with Marla

Learn ways to bring attention to our habit of holiday eating. What do you need to be aware of when you go to your next gathering?

By Marla Pelletier December 12, 2024
Fill out the form below to have us enroll you in class
By Marla Pelletier December 11, 2024
We will be closed....and have holiday recordings up for your use
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