Winter Quietude

Marla • January 12, 2016

On Sunday nights my family and I like to turn out the lights with the sun.

After an electronics-free and work-free day, we become like the animals and move with the rhythm of the Earth.

We place candles around the house in key areas: the bathroom, the kitchen, the bedrooms, and finally in the family room. Generally the lights in the family room are the brightest for us to read a religious story, a poem, or a chapter book together.

Our intention is to create sacred space and truly, without distraction, spend time with each other.

Recently my husband made a job change so that he could be home more and I have made the resolution to engage in more play with my kids. Doing our Sunday candle-time is just one way for us to focus, without distraction.

Sometimes mindfulness and focus comes from removing distraction. From unplugging, re-setting, and allowing ourselves to do something radical! And who knew, 150 years ago, that simply turning off the lights would be radical.


Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you. ” – Anne Lamott

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