How many of your employees suffer with chronic pain?
What tools are you giving them to manage the pain: mentally and physically?
One in three people suffer from pain.
In 2010, the loss of productivity was between $297.4 billion to $335.5 billion between work days missed, work hours, and low wages.
We have a solution! Try our workshops:
The MELT Method
The MELT Method affects the connective tissue that surrounds all the muscles and the joints and manages the sensory receptors that transmit the pain from areas of the body to the brain. The MELT Method is a gentle style of self massage that physically moves the fluids in the connective tissue to rehydrate and reduce stuck stress. Check out more:
We are the only on-site fitness company offering the MELT Method classes that will affect your employees’ pain after a 25 minute group class!
Relaxation classes
We teach guided meditation classes (Yoga Nidra) and basic mat Yoga classes that include relaxation at the end of class to teach individuals how to let go of chronic holding patterns.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies Report. Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research, 2011. The National Academies Press, Washington DC. (page 260)
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