Choosing between virtual fitness class providers? Part 1

Marla Pelletier • January 3, 2022

Why this and not that?

Since 2020, there are a lot of options for virtual fitness classes.

The major players like Apple and Peloton, Mirror and Beachbody, dominate the space with equipment, frequent live streams, and an abundance of class choices. YouTube offers an endless search of home videos to professional recordings, barre to yoga, HIIT to Pilates.

So many choices can sometimes make us freeze. At Inward Office we offer a simple, streamlined approach. Honestly, have you ever felt  decision exhaustion, low self-control, and low energy at the end of a workday?

How do we actually fit in the exercise we need on a daily basis without becoming lost in myriad choices?

Inward Office fitness versus YouTube

YouTube's choices can't be denied. Any time of day, any type of instructor is searchable on the world's largest video library. The biggest difference when you use Inward Office is that we offer a personalized approach that takes into account exercise variations, the fitness level of participants, and an instructor as a resource before and after class.  Holding class live is an additional level of accountability. Participants add the class right to their schedule and show up on time.

Recording or Live

Connection. Many of us are lonely after two years of navigating the pandemic. Coming to class a few minutes early to join the live class offers a chance to connect with the instructor, connect with participants. Turn on the video and say hello. Ask for variations for your specific needs.

Motivation. A live class gives a placeholder in our calendar. The instructor keeps the motivation high, encouraging us to increase difficulty, and stay connected to our body's ability. Ever give up on a recorded workout because you felt unconnected and uncommitted to the class? When we meet our class participants and instructor, we can create even more accountability to attend class regularly.

In-person classes versus virtual classes

Have you ever attended class and thought, "wow, I am the most out of shape in this room!" Or, "I can't believe there's still 40 minutes to go! I'm wiped!" When we are in-person we are comparing ourselves. We may be watching the clock. We may be self conscious about taking a break or choosing the lightest weights possible. When we work out in our own space, we are only in competition with ourselves. There's freedom to take a break. Freedom to be ourselves. Wear what we want. And even come in late to class.

Customized or Mass Market

Our class participants are working professionals with busy lives. 9-5 jobs, kids, aging parents, and may have stepped in and out of exercise through the years. Our instructors come to class ready to ask participants what they want out of their class. What injuries or limitations are they working with. And share personal journeys with the group. Not only does our live virtual class schedule have a personal appeal, as you join the instructor in their personal spaces, with their cats making an occasional appearance, but you create a relationship with them. Week after week the learning grows as half planks become full planks. As strength training and flexibility training work hand-in-hand. 


Specialized equipment has its value. It creates a visual reminder to do our daily exercise. It is an investment in our health and well-being. In the classes we teach, we keep equipment to a minimum to make classes accessible to all. Don't have a yoga block? Use a book. Don't have weights? Use water bottles. In this way, we can exercise with Inward Office on vacation, from the office, or from home. There's no extra investment, other than time and energy. This allows both the CEO and janitor to equally access class.


Although our daily live virtual schedule is the most accessible, with Monday-Saturday classes, many of our corporate clients book Inward Office for exclusive, customized classes. Deskercise classes for their most stressed out call centers that need a 20 minute mid-day break. Yoga at work for 30 minutes for the sales team that needs a reset before the weekly meeting.  Mindfulness for Adaptable Leaders for managers looking for a soft skills, emotional intelligence training. Meditation at work for teams that are looking for new tools to become resilient and fit in a focus activity on a daily basis.

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